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© Pete Hughes 2005-2024

Updated 4 May 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!

Carols in the Calleva with the Community Choir in good voice, Robin and Fish providing the music.

A wonderous candle-lit Christingle in school for all ages!

Christmas Market in the Village Hall.

The Phoenix Club turned out in force to enjoy a Christmas lunch in the Calleva.
More Brownies, this time in a joint concert with the Silchester Community Choir in the Village Hall.

The lights on the Christmas Tree were switched on by the Community Choir who led a large crowd in singing carols at a Christmas market outside the Calleva.

The Brownies again provided Christmas Lunch and entertainment for a group of senior residents.

National Tree Week and the whole school head out into Benyon’s Enclosure to plant some 300 trees for the Englefield Estate.

Welcome back to The Reptiles at the Calleva to celebrate Keren and Stu’s fifth anniversay.

A Victorian Tea Party to celebrate the 180th anniversary of Silchester Methodist Church.

11 November, Armistice Day, Yr 5 and Yr 6 came to the War Memorial for an act of remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday saw yet another increase in the number of people attending from the village and beyond, a fitting tribute to the fallen.

Halloween Party for the youngsters in the Village Hall saw assorted ghouls and ghosties with some fantastic costumes, a great time was had by all.

The first Silchester Scarecrow Trail over half term  was a great success.

The weather was perfect for the Boundary Walk this year.

A welcome return, Belle Canto in concert in the church.

Beer Festival 2019 - another great community event!

Phoenix Club afternoon tea in the garden

Maxine celebrated her 95th birthday with family and friends.

Holiday Club 2019

Guide Dogs - Sandi’s garden

Dig 2019

The hottest show of the year!! The Silchester Community Choir perform to a sell-out audience in the Village Hall, 5 July.
More school fun with the PTA Adventure Run

The Hurst Singers performed in the church on a glorious summer evening.

Fete and Dog Show 2019 - showers and a bit of sunshine, but a great event enjoyed by a good crowd.

Robin Scott and Friends entertain for the PTA.

All Creatures Great and Small - pet service and celebration all creation on the common.

Fun Run 2019 - a group including many of the marshals walked the course on Bank Holiday Monday in ideal running conditions.

On the day, 11 May!  Preparations , warm up setup and general, the start and on the course, across the line (hopefully capturing all finishers at the line) and the prizes presentation and after the race.