Updated 4 May 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!
About Silchester - a few facts and figures! Silchester - Hampshire Village of the Year 2008 - South England Village of the Year 2009 Silchester - the ancient Roman city of Calleva Atrebatum. Location - in the north of the county of Hampshire Population - 921 (918) Number of households - 365 (358) (Local authority figures for Silchester Parish from the 2011 census, 2001 census figures in brackets for comparison) some aerial pictures of the village taken from Piper Colt G-ARNK 30 September 2007 pictures of Silchester Common from 50' up in a cherry-picker more pictures taken flying over at 2,000ft click dig to see excavations at Calleva 2014 - last year of the dig, a few shots of Insula IX during the afternoon tea-break, hence the lack of activity! Some more flying shots including the common, Silchester school and the dig site - July 2014. These were taken from about 800ft. This website is produced and maintained by Pete Hughes as a community activity supporting the Silchester Association and other local organisations and activities. The website is, in turn, supported by the Silchester Association. Pictures, layout and text are copyright but an e-mail will normally suffice to get permission for non-commercial copying and use, subject to credit being given. Full resolution copies of pictures can normally be provided on request. Pictures are by Pete Hughes with support from Philip Pearce, Claire Hutchings , Jon Saltmarsh and Lesley Brewin where indicated.