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Updated 10 October 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!
Dec 2023

Santa set up his grotto with the cafe on 21 December and the Community Choir finish their first year in style.

And yet more from the community choir!  Supporting the Brownies in winning their Performance Badge in the Village Hall and leading carols in the Calleva.

A wonderful performance and carols in school.

More Community Choir - lessons and carols in the Church on 16 December

12 December saw a visit from Santa and the Community Choir getting together for a Christmas dinner and singing in the Calleva.

Village Market Christmas special in the Village Hall on Friday 7th with seasonal music from 5Ts Brass

The Phoenix Club December meeting enjoyed a Christmas lunch in the Calleva.

The Lost Keys (with Lauren making a special guest appearance) provided music, Suzi+Jane provided food and a great evening was enjoyed for the Christmas Dance and Air Guitar Trophy.

The Brownies laid on a superb community Christmas lunch for some of our senior residents on 1 December and then entertained, singing accompanied by Robin

Christmas is upon us already!  Still only November but the tree was lit with the aid of the Community Choir at the Calleva Christmas market outside the pub.

Keren and Stu celebrate their fourth anniversary in the Calleva and The Reptiles made a very welcome return to Silchester with an extended line-up to mark the event, a great evening’s music!

Silchester Village Hall new roof “Topping Out” on 16 November a group of locals and visitors including the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and our MP who together cut the cake, marked the completion and dedication of the new roof to the Village Hall.

100 Years On - Silchester commemorates the centenary of the end of the First World War with a range of activities, including the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial and the dedication of a Remembrance Bench.  In the Village Hall a display about the six villagers who died in WWI and a talk by Philip Pearce “Silchester and The Great War” followed by the Community Choir tribute of WWI songs.  A “Poppy Trail” led past some of the houses of the six.

Beacons of Light - After nightfall, the Last Post was sounded outside the Calleva and a beacon lit followed by ringing the church bells.  Church bells were rung across the country when the war ended.

Another superb bonfire and fireworks evening on 3 November, all credit to the large number of people contributing to the effort.

Howard led a few hardy souls on the Boundary Walk on a very wet Sunday this year.

Community Choir triumph!  A superb concert, along with Robin in the church, in aid of the Guardian Angels charity.  Thanks to Lesley for taking pictures while I was out of the country.  Don’t miss the next choir outings on 11 November and through Christmas events.

Beer Festival 2018 - the eighth great event, well supported as always, good beer, good music, good food!

Calleva vs Plough cricket - so close, but… (well done the Plough!)

Holiday Club 2018 - another fun-packed week for the youngsters with new T-shirts sponsored by Silchester Association to go with a week of hard work for the organisers!

Silchester’s Got Talent 2018 - yet another demonstration of the talents our school produces.

Great to see some real structure during the Reading University 2018 dig at the Calleva Bath House during July.  Having the University Summer School back also meant that the Pirates traditional charge at the pub made a welcome return - next year we need a better village response to the charge across the common!

Not really a picture opportunity, but we enjoyed a summer evening organ recital on 21 July by Nicholas Woods in aid of the organ fund.

Fete 2018 - cloudy but it stayed dry for a great day of fun for all, Community Choir, the usual stalls, activities and the dog show - and we even had a Spitfire flypast by MK356 of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to finish the afternoon!

9 June in the village hall a great gig with Robin Scott and friends as a fund raiser for the school PTA.

Fun Run 2018!  Yet another great village event, lots of pictures - setup and general, the start and on the course, across the line (hopefully capturing all finishers at the line) and the prizes presentation and after the race.

An extra visit by Prof Mike Fulford - a very interesting exploration of religions in Roman Britain in the context of the various temples found in Calleva Attrebatum.

Cantemus - an evening of music in St Mary’s.

After an extensive re-fit the Calleva has reopened and is back in business.  The official reopening saw a musical evening with Robin, Fish and the Silchester Community Choir joining Keren to celebrate.

The rain held off but it was a very muddy Palm Sunday procession from the Village Hall to the Church, lead by Bobby the donkey but unfortunately the Roman soldiers were not able to join us.  The village’s own Rev Rob Young was in charge, marking just over a year since his arrival.

Mothering Sunday was celebrated at St Mary’s with posies of flowers not just for mothers but for everyone.

Prof Mike Fulford updated the village on the 2017 dig findings on 16 March.  (Did anyone take any pictures? I was unable to attend.)

Happy New Year 2018!  A traditional start with our friends the Kennet Morris Men celebrating the arrival of another new year.