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> work and play
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© Pete Hughes 2005-2024

Updated 4 May 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!
Carols in the Calleva, 22 December, with Robin and Fish playing.

Songs Around the Tree as the school finishes for Christmas, and the school Nativity.

Village Christmas Market with a visit from Santa.

Christingle - a magical evening for all ages, supporting The Children’s Society.

Calleva Christmas Market and tree light-up and carol singing.
Regulars of the Phoenix Club gathered in the Calleva for a Christmas Lunch.

Keren and Stu celebrated two years in the Calleva with a party and music.

Remembrance Sunday at the War Memorial.

Years 5 and 6 from Silchester School at the War Memorial on Armistice Day

Bonfire, fireworks, pumpkins!  Another great annual village event.

A few ghouls were out and about for Halloween this year.

Good weather for the Silchester Parish Boundary Walk on 9 October.

Thanks to Robin and Jill for a super evening of music raising funds for the CLIC-Sargent children’s cancer charity.

2016 Beer Festival, another great success for the Silchester Association team.

School’s Out so it’s Holiday Club for a lucky group of youngsters enjoying a great week of activity.

Morris Dancing at the Calleva 26 July - Basing Clog and Calleva.

Five Voices Farewell Concert, a great evening of Gilbert and Sullivan.

Robin and Friends provided a great evening’s entertainment fund-raising for the PTA - 25 June in the Village Hall.

Silchester Fete 2016 - not as sunny as last year but a super day with attractions galore for another great turnout from the area.  Well done (yet again!) To Paula and her team.

Silchester’s Got Talent 2016, organised by the PTA and proving yet again that we do indeed have some very talented youngsters.

Party time!  Silchester celebrates the Queen’s 90th on the Common.

Fun Run time again!  Village Trail FUN RUN 2016 pictures -  Saturday 7 May,  The Event,  The Finishing Line  and  Prize Giving and general pictures

May the Fourth be with you!  Phoenix Club entertained by school choir and musicians.

9 April - Silchester Association Craft Exhibition in the Village Hall and Oh Mama concert in the Church, good cultural day!

Palm Sunday in Silchester, 2016.  The Bishop of Basingstoke, supported by Alfie the donkey and a reduced cohort of Roman legionaries lead a well-supported walk through the Roman City to the church on a chilly Sunday morning.

A Fair Trade coffee morning in school on 11 March was well supported by parents, grandparents and friends from the village.

Flowers were distributed to  everyone in church on Mothering Sunday, 6 March.

4 March, Womens World Day of Prayer drew people from a wide area to Silchester where Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and the Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane were among the dignitaries.

26 February saw Prof Mike Fulford doing his annual dig update for the village.  There was also an opportunity to view the WWI PoppyTile project from the school.

Education Sunday and Kathy Pynn is assisted by school pupils leading the service in St Mary’s.

At a special school worship we heard an update from John on the progress being made by the students the school sponsor in Swaziland.

2016 started as in now the tradition with a visit from the Kennet Morris Men on New Year’s Day.

Work and Play 2016