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Updated 10 October 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!
Dec 2023
A new event for 2017 - a celebration with the Pop-up Cafe in the Pavillion hosting a visit by Santa and another appearance of the new Silchester Community Choir to lead carol singing on the Common.

More carols!  By candlelight in St Marys this time, Sunday 17 December.

2017 Carols in the Calleva were lead by our new Calleva Community Choir, all in good voice.

The school hosted another Christingle Service after school on Friday, more candlelit atmosphere!

Courtesy of the Loddon Valley Lions, Santa paid another visit on 16 December.

The Phoenix Club met for Christmas Lunch in the Calleva, with presentations to Nancy to thank her for her many years of commitment and organisation.

A busy weekend at the start of a very short Advent this year - Village Hall Christmas Market with a visit from Santa,  the Brownies served Christmas Lunch to a group of local senior citizens,  Sunday morning Christingle in the church and Sunday evening the switch on of the tree lights and carols at the Calleva Christmas Market.

Keren and Stu celebrate three years at the Calleva with a great musical evening.

“Raise the Roof” Village dance and the return of the Air Guitar contest.
Remembrance commemorations at the War Memorial - the village gathered on Sunday and Year 5 and Year 6 from the school on Monday.

Bonfire Night - kind weather, another great display with a good crowd from a wide area, well done to all.

Just a few ghouls out for Halloween.

The annual parish boundary walk was again led by Howard Wilkinson in lovely weather on 15 October. Thanks to Lesley for the pictures.

Two notable events at St Mary’s on 14 October - a group of organists visited to view and play our organ in the morning, and in the afternoon the Boy Choristers and Lay Clerks from Winchester Cathedral lead a very full church in a Choral Evensong service.

A first village photo exhibition organised by Silchester Association was held in the school hall, with Fair Trade refreshments provided by the school.

Bishop David visited St Mary’s on 24 September for a Confirmation ceremony.

New school year and a new school library is opened after work during the summer.

The annual Beer Festival in the village hall was another success at the beginning of September.

A very wet cricket match against the Plough team - rain did not stop play here!

Professor Fulford, Amanda and team explored the Roman Temple site in Nick and Biddy’s garden over the summer

Maxine celebrated her 93rd birthday in August with chocolate brownies and candles at the cafe.

Silchester’s Got Talent 2017 - yet another demonstration of the talents our school produces.

Sandi’s Open Garden raising money for Guide Dogs was a big success.

Thank you to Robin Scott and friends for the music and to the PTA organisers for another great evening in the Village Hall 24 June.

Silchester Fete 2017 - glorious weather, great crowd. Fun for all!

Music at St Mary’s - two concerts enjoyed in the church during May - The Hurst Singers Spring Concert (thank you Sheila Fletcher for pics while I was away) and then  Belle Canto Trio brought us Songs from the Shows.

Thank-you to Keith Chapman for so many years of service to our community at Parish, District and County Council.

FUN RUN 6 May, the annual exercise extravaganza!  Well done to all the runners and to the organisers for a great day. General pictures and the starts.
Finish line 2.5 mile race.
Finish line 5 mile race.  (Apologies to the very few people I didn’t get a good picture of at the line - the divided finish this year made things very difficult.)  Thanks to Nick and Biddy for presenting the prizes this year.

Palm Sunday - a glorious spring day for the annual walk - no Roman soldiers this year, sadly, but Bobby the donkey was with us.

Mothering Sunday flowers in church

Playground working party spreading new bark

Prof Fulford’s annual archaeological update for the village.

6 February and a welcome to Rob Young and his wife Jackie as the Bishop of Basingstoke conducts the Licensing service of our new Resident Priest

New Year 2017 with the traditional visit from the Kennet Morris Men, the rain held off just about long enough!
Work and Play 2017