Updated 4 May 2024 - look in regularly to see what is happening!
A snowy evening 22 December, nearly Christmas and the Calleva is packed for carol singing, accompanied by musicians Hannah, Alastair, Katie and Izzy. The Silchester Christmas Dance and Air Guitar Championship with a new band this year, The Lards. The trophy spends a third year with the Osman family with Cathy’s son Nat carrying it off this year! Lots of fun and Father Christmas at the children’s Christmas Party in the Village Hall. Christmas Tree 2010 Cutting, erecting and lighting up with carol singing! Remembrance Services - Thursday 11 November with Silchester School Year 3 and the parish service on Sunday. Bonfire and Fireworks 2010 in the grounds of Silchester House. ‘Hall Together Now’ - Robin and friends provided a superb evening of music on 5 November to raise funds for the planned Village Hall development. Girls and Ghouls out to play at Hallow’een. Berkshire Brass and organist Henry Peat entertain, 16 October, in aid of the organ maintenance fund. The new Bishop of Basingstoke, Peter Hancock, paid his first visit on 10 October to confirm several candidates and to meet locals at the Calleva afterwards. A great working party of all ages spread new bark and tidied up the playground on 9 October. Harvest Hymns in the Calleva Fundraising cricket match for the pavilion - the Calleva team thoroughly beaten by the ‘Professionals’ from the cricket and football teams. Farewell to the 2010 diggers with a ‘School Dinners’ party at the pub - thanks to Paul for the pictures. Silchester Music Festval 2010 - a lower key event in the Village Hall just for this year but still really enjoyable with Frottage, Fake the Attack, Future and Dead Mask Club providing the entertainment. The Romans return to Silchester and dig open days 16/17 July - lots of fun as well as the chance to learn more about our local heritage. Pirates 2010 a well established annual event now! Thanks to Jon for taking some pictures while I was in Finland. Fete 2010 - 12 June on the Common with many of our usual favourites, joined by Pan Everest, the superb young steel drum musicians from Basingstoke. More Morris Dancers! Shinfield Shamblers, Basing Clog Morris and Fleet Morris performing outside the Calleva. 15 May -Fun Run 2010, lots of pictures! Set-up and supporting organisation; followed by runners getting ready, starting and around the course and finally finishers as they cross the line and the awards presented by Tony Stanley, Chairman of the Parish Council. The Silchester Trail, funded by the National Lottery and local councils, was launched on Bank Holiday Monday when about fifty locals and guests donned boots and strode out to explore. Palm Sunday in Silchester - donkey and Roman soldiers as usual but it was too wet to use the amphitheatre so the walk ended with a service in the Church this year. A new plaything for our youngsters! A climbing rock has been installed and become an instant favourite as school comes out! Valerie’s 90th birthday party - a big party for a great occasion.